[ICDE] International Conference on Data Engineering: Data Engineering deals with the use of engineering techniques and methodologies in the design, development and assessment of information systems for different computing platforms and application environments. The International Conference on Data Engineering provides a premier forum for sharing and exchanging research and engineering results to problems encountered in today's information society.
[PODS] Principles of Database Systems: PODS, the Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, is the premiere international conference on the theoretical aspects of database systems. PODS was started in 1982. It is consponsored by three ACM Special Interest Groups: SIGACT (theoretical computer science), SIGART (Artificial Intelligence), and SIGMOD. Since 1991, PODS has been held jointly with the SIGMOD conference, combining in one place the full spectrum of database research, from the most abstract and fundamental to the most pragmatic.
[SIGKDD] Special Interest Group of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: The primary focus of the SIGKDD is to provide the premier forum for advancement and adoption of the "science" of knowledge discovery and data mining.
[SIGMOD] Special Interest Group on Management of Data: The annual ACM SIGMOD conference is a leading international forum for database researchers, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences. The PODS symposium series, held in conjunction with the SIGMOD conference series, provides a premier annual forum for the communication of new advances in the theoretical foundation of database systems.
[VLDB] Very Large Databases: Very Large Data Base Endowment Inc. (VLDB Endowment) is non-profit organisation incorporated in the United States for the sole purpose of promoting and exchanging scholarly work in databases and related fields throughout the world.